12. Audit Preparation

12.1 Pre-Audit

Address open procedure notifications

Solution 1: Workflow Compliance Management

1)   Go to Notifications page
2)   Update filter to “Procedure”
3)   Address the notifications

Solution 2: Digital Logbook

1)   Go to My Tasks page
2)   Click on each tile to address the notifications


12.2 During Audit

You may be asked to provide evidence of the probe disinfection for a specific patient.

1)   Click the Traceability Search shortcut on the Homepage.

2)   Enter a specific procedure of interest and press Enter on your keyboard.

Solution 1: Workflow Compliance Management View

Solution 2: Digital Logbook View

3)   Click the View button for Soltuion 1 or the tile for Soltuion 2 (see above for each) to print out the report which               contains the evidence of reprocessing cycle associated with the procedure.


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